Back-to-School Cleaning: How to Keep Your Home Organized as the Kids Return to School


As the back-to-school season approaches, keeping your home organized can be a challenge. With backpacks, school supplies, and new routines entering the picture, maintaining a clean and clutter-free space becomes essential for both parents and kids. Here are some practical tips to help you keep your home tidy and organized as the kids head back to school.

1. Create a Designated Drop Zone

One of the biggest sources of clutter during the school year is the constant influx of backpacks, shoes, and jackets. To avoid this clutter from spreading throughout the house, set up a designated drop zone near the entryway. Hooks for backpacks, bins for shoes, and hangers for jackets can make all the difference. This not only keeps things organized but also makes it easy for kids to grab what they need before heading out the door.

2. Organize a Study Area

With homework and projects piling up, it’s crucial to have a clean and organized space for your children to study. Dedicate a quiet area with a desk, chair, and necessary supplies. Keep it clutter-free by organizing school supplies in bins, trays, or drawers. Encourage your kids to tidy up their study space at the end of each day to maintain an organized area where they can focus.

3. Clean and Organize School Supplies

Before the school year starts, take some time to sort through old school supplies. Discard broken or used-up items and clean backpacks, lunch boxes, and pencil cases. This is also a good opportunity to create a school supply station where kids can easily find extra pens, pencils, and notebooks when needed. Keeping everything in one place makes it easier to stay organized throughout the year.

4. Implement a Daily Cleaning Routine

During the school year, schedules can get hectic, but a simple daily cleaning routine can make a big difference. Assign small, manageable tasks like wiping down counters, picking up toys, and putting away clothes. Getting the kids involved in these tasks will not only teach them responsibility but also help keep the house tidy.

5. Prep for the Week Ahead

Weekdays can get busy, so take some time over the weekend to prepare. Cleaning out lunch boxes, laying out outfits for the week, and meal prepping can save time and reduce stress. A clean and organized home sets a positive tone for the week, helping everyone stay on top of their routines.

6. Deep Clean High-Traffic Areas

The back-to-school season means more traffic through your home, which can lead to dirt buildup in high-traffic areas. Take some time to deep clean areas like entryways, mudrooms, and living rooms. Regularly vacuuming carpets and rugs and wiping down surfaces can help maintain a cleaner home throughout the school year.

7. Create a Family Command Center

A family command center is a great way to stay organized and on schedule during the school year. Use a whiteboard or chalkboard to display the family’s weekly calendar, important reminders, and school-related tasks. You can also keep baskets for mail, homework assignments, and permission slips to prevent papers from piling up in random spots.

8. Declutter Bedrooms and Closets

Before the school year starts, go through your children’s bedrooms and closets. Sort through clothes, shoes, and toys, donating or discarding anything they’ve outgrown or no longer need. Decluttering now will help maintain an organized space and make mornings less stressful when it comes to finding outfits or packing school supplies.

Final Thoughts

Going back to school can be a busy time for families, but with these simple cleaning and organization tips, you can keep your home tidy and stress-free. By establishing routines, creating designated spaces, and getting the kids involved, you’ll be well-prepared for the new school year. And remember, if things get overwhelming, you can always call in the professionals to help you maintain a clean and organized home.